With 7 years experience, we are sellers from China that have links to hundreds of best factories in the world that bring you the spectacular quality bags, shoes and apparels. Although we are just beginning business overseas, we have large amount of loyal customers in China, and we believe that you will find it hard to get rid of us once you try our product.
Our target audience is high-end customers who want to use them as authentic ones and feel no pressure when they go to retail stores with our bags or in our apparels.
Product Introduction:
1, We sell Mirror quality bags/ apparels
We do not sell normal merchandise, we only sell stuff that uses the exact same material as genuine ones.
All materials used are from Brand-authorized material suppliers. They are the perfect substitute for retail ones due to 100% precision and more affordable price.
2, We offer authentic items from OEM factory
If you don't understand what it means, here is an example. Many brands are now made in China such as Burberry, MK, Givenchy, Coach and so on. That’s why some of them have labels with ‘made in china’ on them.
We get the items from the same factory where retail ones are produced. We could even get items prior to brand store or official website since the items need around 1-2 months to get to retail stores while it only takes several days for us to reach them from OEM.
Simply speaking, items from OEM are 100% same as retail ones and support retail comparison! However, the number is very limited and some may be lack of main label/price tag. Since most labels or codes are later added to the items, there are no records of them in retail system. We only guarantee the item itself is authentic. The most direct way to check whether the items you receive are of high quality is to go to a retail store near you and compare our items with retail ones, instead of asking the salesman about its authenticity.
Please note that the items of a brand could come with different details as to labels, materials and so on due to the difference of production batches and countries exported. For example, Burberry scarves come with different labels every year and the labels are all a bit different according to where they are exported to. We Are not exactly sure about those details since they are of high confidential。All we know for sure is that we get them from OEM and we only offer the same ones as those in retail store.
Quality Guarantee:
We check every item carefully and we provide one on one customized service!
1, We guarantee that the product you receive will be exactly as the pics you see and that our product is 100% the same as genuine ones.
2, We ship to all countries as fast and safe as possible.
3, We guarantee that our price is the lowest for the same quality since we directly work with factories.
For resellers:
We offer worldwide drop shipping service, free packaging, quality control and one on one customer service. We work with all kinds of factories directly, so we could offer lower price than competitors for the same quality. For some of our items, you could even sell them on eBay as real ones, but they only cost you 30% or less of retail price. Now calculate your profit margin! If you have high end customers who care about quality, contact us now via we chat or WhatsApp.
WeChat: ggstudioEN
whatsapp: +86 181 1248 6591
Shipping time is based on location and the availability of items. Pls ask our customer service about specific items.
We strongly recommend removing the boxes to save shipping fee and make the packages safer through customs.
Payment Methods:
We accept many payment methods. Pls ask our customer service about it.
Contact: Lynn
Phone: +8 6 1 8 1 1 2 4 8 6 5 9 1
Tel: +8 6 1 8 1 1 2 4 8 6 5 9 1
Email: yejiagu93@163.com
Add: Jiangsu Province, China